
Ongoing/Recent Activities

  • Overview of financing issues for all modern treaty organizations 2019-2023; and,
  • For late 2023, a survey of fiscal relations between modern treaty organizations and provincial and territorial governments;
  • Dr. Abele is co-supervising Post-Doctoral researcher Dr. Daniel Sherwin who is undertaking research on the impact of the Collaborative Fiscal Process.
  • Webinar on UNDRIP and Modern Treaties
    • On June 28, 2021, Fiscal Theme Co-Lead, Matt Mehaffey spoke to the relationship between Treaty financing and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and modern treaty implementation in the first Gonèk’e (Our Land) Webinar. Find out more and view the webinar here.
  • Book with Nunavut Tunngavik Inc (NTI)

    • The  FiscalTheme is working on a book that will discuss the implementation of the Nunavut Agreement and the evolving relationship between the parties to the Agreement. Find more about the book here.

  • Feature article on the Modern Treaties Implementation Research Project in Northern Public Affairs Special Issue (2019)

    • Fiscal Theme Co-Lead, Frances Abele, together with Principal Investigator Stephanie Irlbacher-Fox and Joshua Gladstone, co-authored a feature article on the Modern Treaties Implementation Research Project in a Special Issue of Northern Public Affairs. Find out more and read the article here.

  • Literature Review

    • The Theme finalized a literature review on the impact of 22 comprehensive and self-government agreements entered into by the Government of Canada with Indigenous peoples since 1986.

  • Fiscal Theme Advisory Committee
    • The Theme formed an advisory committee made up of a number of officials involved in the national collaborative fiscal process, to work closely with Matt Mehaffey and Frances Abele to scope a research plan for the Theme and suggest projects. The group met recently in Ottawa and identified three project ideas which Frances is currently developing further before identifying prospective research partners.