- Find out more about the Law Theme here.
Ongoing/Recent Activities
- Under the leadership of David Wright and Janna Promislow, the theme held a workshop for an edited volume on the law of modern treaties in Victoria in September 2022;
- Following the workshop, chapters have been drafted and are being edited. Editors are David Wright, Dr. Robert Hamilton, Nigel Bankes and Dr. Janna Promislow. Submission of the manuscript for peer review is aimed for Spring 2024. Law student research assistants continue to support the project and be involved in the editing process.
- A panel including David Wright, Dr. Robert Hamilton, and PhD Candidate (UVic) Vanessa Udy presented their research at the 2023 LCAC conference in a session dedicated to this topic.
- David Wright and Janna Promislow continue to work on an article that follows up on David Wright’s publication Dispute Resolution in Modern Treaties: Evolutions, Observations and Next Steps in the December 2020 edition of Arctic Review on Law and Politics.
- Modern Treaties and the Law: Proposal for Edited Volume focused on Modern Treaties and Modern Treaty Implementation in Canada
- Modern Treaty Dispute Resolution: Taking Stock and Looking Forward (Final Report)
Modern Treaty Implementation & Indigenous Law: An Exploratory Workshop (Report)
Edited Volume on Modern Treaties & Modern Treaty Implementation in Canada
Exploratory Workshop
As part of the initial work under this partnership, the Law Theme were pleased to hold a workshop with the Indigenous Law Research Unit at the University of Victoria on Sept 21-22, to consider how we understand, support, and carry out Indigenous law research in diverse LCAC communities. A summary report from the workshop is available here. The report highlights both the complexity and importance of undertaking Indigenous law research with LCAC communities, and improving our understanding of how the state and Indigenous legal systems interact in the context of modern treaties. The conversations reflected in this report will help guide and support research with LCAC communities under this theme. To view report click here.