July 22, 2021

MTIRP Presents to the NWT Legislative Assembly Committee on Reconciliation and Indigenous Affairs

The Modern Treaty Implementation Resarch Project, Indigenous Relationships to the Land Theme Co-lead, Dr. John B. Zoe, of the  Tłı̨chǫ Government, joined Principal Investigator Dr.

June 23, 2021

June 28, 2021 @ 1 pm MST Gonèk’e: Our Land – Webinar Series on Modern Treaty Implementation

Gonèk’e (Gone-eh’-kay) (Translation: Our Land). 

February 16, 2021

Job Posting: Engagement Coordinator - The Gordon Foundation

The Gordon Founcation is searching for a highly motivated, strategic, creative, and flexible Learning and Engagement Coordinator.

March 31, 2020

Article: Why Canada needs an independent Indigenous human rights commission?

A Natan Obed opinion piece on why Canada needs an Indigenous human rights commission. 


February 13, 2020

Special Issue of Northern Public Affairs on Modern Treaty Implementation Research

This special issue of Northern Public Affairs is intended to present a number of responses to the challenges of modern treaty implementation across Canada.  These essays in this issue present the preliminary results of the Modern Treaty Implementation Research Project. 

January 21, 2020

Yukon: Land Claim Creators Reunite

Indigenous Yukon leaders met to discuss how to pass on the spirit and intent of the Umbrella Final Agreement to future generations. The discussion centered around boiling down the 295 page Umbrella Final Agreement into a few pages focused on the principles.  

January 20, 2020

Call for Research Proposals: Fiscal Implications of Fishing Rights and Governance

Canada, British Columbia and Indigenous nations have signed four comprehensive land claim agreements with eight Indigenous nations along the coast of BC (Nisga’a Final Agreement, Tsawwassen First Nation Final Agreement, Maa-Nulth First Nations Final Agreement and the Tla’amin Final Agreement).

August 23, 2019


STATUS: Full-time Term March 31, 2021

The position will provide policy, logistical, project management and communications support to a Modern Treaty Implementation research project involving partners across Canada.

June 27, 2019

Funding Inuit Self-Determination

In this article, Natan Obed describes the process of funding Inuit self-determination and how funding is allocated within Inuit Nunangat. 
